A martini glass in black and white

Unrestricted Pulls

2023-07-31 // Strategy Helpers

Over 20 years of the game's existence, there's a ton of extremely powerful pulls you can snag to help speed up your non-hardcore speedruns. Loathers & ASS maintain a general standard pull list, but we don't generally keep one up to date for unrestricted. This page is going to serve as (essentially) a simple list of additional powerful non-standard pulls that can be linked as an addendum to the standard list if you're trying to speedrun a non-standard path. Hope this adds a few items you can consider beyond the best items in the standard sheet!

If you're trying to save turns, these pulls are your best options:

PullTurns Saved
eldritch elixir or eldritch snapIf you aren't burning all delay, getting eldritch attunement doubles all your non-breathitin free fights into delay burn. That can be 6-8 extra delay burn and a ton of extra familiar turns, which is pretty dope!
chunky familiar weight pullsIf you own a Frumious Bandersnatch or a Pair of Stomping Boots, you can turn every 5 pounds of familiar weight into a free run. That's pretty good value, for the high-fam-weight pulls. Good examples here are the Vintage Smart Drink (+20), Silver Face Paint (+20), and the Repaid Diaper (+15), for 3-4 free runs apiece.
Platinum Yendorian Express CardIf you use either of the above pulls, a PYEC is often a good additional pull; you can get +5 turns of any 1-turn effect, meaning your 1-turn silver face paint turns into a 6 turn effect, and eldritch attunement lasts for 5 more turns (so, perhaps +5 delayburn.) Without these kinds of important low-duration effects, it gets less valuable, but can still be useful for Steely Eyed Squint extension.
Breathitin ™Coerces 5 outdoor fights into free fights for 2 spleen. Self-evidently powerful.
bottle of blank-out5 free runs a day in most paths, for 5 easy-peasy delay burn
spooky putty sheet5 copies per day; not in delay, like backups or digitize or other things, but it's still five cool copies!
turkey blaster5 turns delayburn for 2 spleen; inferior to breathitins, but it's still pretty great in any universe where you aren't burning all delay!
stuffing fluffer4-5 turns saved in war, if you don't have thanksgarden. Otherwise, goes down to 2-3 turns saved in a 2-day and 4 turns in a 1-day -- a little better than blaster generally, due to removing otherwise necessary fight completions from your run (versus just removing delay, which can be solved without completing a combat via free runs).
cornucopiaYou can use this to get (often) an extra fluffer/blaster! Heck yeah.
pokegarden seedsIf you have thanksgarden, this is a nice pull to get extra cornucopias. Otherwise, not really useful, just duplicates garden growth. You can get a few extra freekills from rock garden, without Thanksgarden?
cashewIf a single cashew gets you an extra fluffer or cornucopia, this is worth it. Otherwise, it isn't.
gravy boatAs a non-consumable, it's a nice every-now-and-then pull. It shaves 3-4 turns off the whole cyrpt after the big nerf in early 2023.
navel ring / GAP / peppermint parasolGives you 3 guaranteed runs... you can also get 3-4 more if you're willing to risk some non-free runs!
replica bat-oomerang3 free kills a day; simple, powerful, good.
jokester's gunOne free kill a day -- in a >1 day run, that's good!
clara's bellOne slotless stench jelly a day is nice. It's OK.
infinite bacon machine1 free tower key in a 2-day run, otherwise it's... not really great, probably don't pull it!

If you need to generate more turns, these pulls are good turn generators.

PullTurns Generated
Cookbookbat Food (Tier 4, specifically!)The tier 4 legendary cookbookbat food is absurdly good... at about 10 adv/fullness, it is completely phenomenal for turngen, and the Deep Dish of Legend also has +15 familiar weight, for 3 free runs and (likely) one extra Pocket Professor copy. If you have Pizza Lover, each gives +3 from the total listed in Turn Value. Consider synergizing with dieting pills (from the Gaunt Ghuol) to double up on the powerful turngen. Note that you can only eat 1 of each per ascension, so don't pull two Deep Dish of Legends expecting to chomp them both in one run. Must be crafted prior to ascension; not mall-buyable.
PantsgivingIn unrestricted, 2-3 extra fullness is 14-ish turns, which is solid value; this is obviously an extremely expensive pull, but if you pull it early and keep it equipped long enough, it's self-evidently powerful
synthetic dog hair & distention pillsOne fullness or drunkenness cleared. It's fine, not great, but relatively cheap, as you can generate 5 per day of one or the other
wrecked generatorReally not recommended, but if you're low on IOTMs and need massive turgnen with very little thought, you can pull a wrecked generator. These require preparation prior to your run, because you need to purchase them from the Lunar Lunch-o-Mat and they can't be traded, but I often keep a few around for a lazy large-turngen pull
powerful rollover gearIf you're trying to generate turns in a 2+ day run, a piece of rollover gear for a big gob of adventures per day is better than quite a lot of these options; things like Counterclockwise Watch, clockwork maids, lavaco lamps, etc
etched hourglassFlat 5 turns gained. It's fine! Not great, but pretty easy
license to chillFlat 5 turns gained. If you have it, it's better than etched hourglass, but also you're extremely rich! Good for you

If you want to pull something that is very cool though likely not-super-useful outside of specific scenarios...

PullTurns Generated
velour viscometerAccessory; 30% food drop is helpful for multiple separate quests (twin peaks, blasting soda, possibly chateau de vinegar, blackberries, etc). In addition, the ability to turn Scarysauce into Scariersauce means you get +8 sleaze res instead of +2, which is helpful for capping Blech House in the level 9 quest. (Also, +8 cold res is non-trivial for A-Boo & the Level 8 quest -- as well as a bucket of extra stats from your mouthwash!)
Article contributed by Captain Scotch