We've finally got a new realm! At the Ascension Speed Society discord, we often have light verbal jousts over what actually constitutes a "realm" in KOL. There are many different ways you can define a realm and many different silly exceptions to TPTB's traditional realm formula. But you know one way to settle that argument up right quick? Just put "realm" in the thing's name. What a lovely gift for the playerbase in 2025. Now: is it good for ascension? Let's find out!
CyberRealm is a linked zone within Lyle's Monorail. After purchasing your very own CyberRealm keycode, you'll gain permanent access to the server room, the primary container for your hacking escapades. There is a desk -- if you click around the desk's drawers (and the trash can), you'll get a little data stick, a few 0s and 1s, and some funny flavor text. Outside of the sneaky desk clicks, there are three specifically marked clickable areas -- the mail tube, the terminal, and the Dedigitizer.
Finally, the terminal itself allows you to jack in to the mainframe and visit three distinct CyberZones. You can spend 18 combats and 2 NCs each day in each zone. The first zone is easy, the second zone is moderately difficult, and the third zone is quite a bit more difficult than the others. The zones consist of two types of creatures - digital processes (all constructs, with varying elemental alignments and flavor) or hackers (all dudes). While you can use your normal suite of combat skills against the dudes, you are plum out of luck with the digital constructs, who can only be damaged by CyberRealm skills (and who remove your ability to cast other skills).
On the 10th turn of the day in any of the CyberZones, you will be faced with a free noncombat; this will test your elemental resistance to a specified element (aligned to the element of the zone's hackers), and reward you zeros based on your resistance (8, 16, 32 respectively across the three zones). The final turn in each zone is a reward NC, rewarding meat (5k, 10k, or 20k) and dedigitizer schematics that can be used to make items at the aforementioned dedigitizer.
That's a lot of stuff!
While CyberRealm isn't something that's going to save you 10-20 turns a day, it still has enough speedster benefit that it's going to be chippin' in on your runs. The first and most obvious benefit is the spleen item; +5 prismatic resistance is a nice amount! If you are low-shiny, Synapse Blasters will allow you to simplify some of the math for the places you need resistance throughout your run. To list these out explicitly, this helps (and in some cases entirely solves):
Realistically, most ascenders won't need to buy Synapse Blaster for these tests. However, if you lack the perms or IOTMs to safely cover these (or are playing a low-power avatar path), Synapse Blaster is a great way to bridge whatever gap you've got and ensure you're maximizing your turnsave. It's also available in avatar paths, many of which find elemental resistance a lot more difficult than the standard class. One (extremely minor) benefit is that you also get one datastick every run. Autosell that for an easy 50 meat to start your run, helping mildly offset the Synapse Blaster cost.
But that's the Cyberpunk equivalent of gravy. (Corpo condiments? Fixer food? Synth sauce?) The real value of CyberRealm is in the permable skills. Via the dedigitizer, CyberRealm users can generate 3 skillbooks, each generating a permed skill:
The stats are extremely minor, amounting to 1.5 mainstats per combat, or about 200 useful pre-level-12 mainstat substats in a non-mouthwash speedrun. But SLEEP(5) and OVERCLOCK(10) are both excellent new skills that should be immediate perms for CyberRealm owners. The rests synergize with the Cincho de Mayo, getting us closer and closer to a new sneak.
The free fights, though? That's a big deal! We have so many familiars that are powerful in the 2025 standard set. The more free fights we can slam into our runs, the more time we'll have to generate Chest Mimic eggs, or split pea soup freeruns, or eagle banishes, or mini kiwis, or maps to Halloween town.
It's worth noting that these ten fights are strong scaling fights, too -- while most of our leveling will be dealt with in the next 2 years through Mmm-brr mouthwash, the fights within CyberZones scale to a cap of 10,000. This is pretty high; Neverending Party has a cap of 20,000, but every other free fight zone is a cap of 10,000 or less, and (generally) you don't reach 10,000 in-run. We have absolutely had prior metas where free fights against big monsters are the primary way you level. That won't really be true in the world of mouthwash, but CyberRealm is going to last 1 year longer than mouthwash; I wouldn't be completely shocked if 2027's leveling plan makes heavy use of a big mainstat boost before hopping in to CyberRealm for a big bucket of stats.
It is also worth noting that while it is 10 free scaling fights, they are a little weirder than other fights, owing to the fact that you cannot use skills against non-hackers; in-run, you can only throw cyber-rocks. In zones 1 and 2, that should be fine for defeating the monsters with little difficulty, especially if you leverage a healing familiar or thrall or something to keep your HP tapped up. Luckily, while the monsters scale in attack/defense, they don't scale in HP, so one tertiary damage source alongside your cyber rock is almost certainly going to be enough to win the day. But even though the monsters are still beatable, it means most of your CyberRealm turns won't allow you to do things that require access to your normal combat actions -- you can't derive extra value from things like shooting off your Everfull Darts or applying a rock band flyer or grabbing the candy cane sword cane initiative buff. This isn't really a huge deal; the familiar experience alone is going to be critical, with these 10 turns giving you 50-150 XP per day for eggs, depending on how aggressively you're wishing up experience effects. But it is something to think about as you plan out where to route your CyberRealm fights into your run. (Also, you want to avoid having a ton of ML on there, to ensure you have enough rounds of combat to chomp up their HP with your rock throwing.)
Finally, the dedigitizer. You probably won't get a ton of use out of it, frankly. My guess is that it'll be more useful for two of the 50% initiative potions over one 30% item potion on day 2. But I could also absolutely see speedrunners just totally forgetting to grab it with only a minor impact to their runs. It's not that important, the other stuff is much more valuable!
As I alluded to earlier, there are a few critical synergies to get the most value when you cyber.
Having covered cybering, here are the IOTM synergies for CyberRealm:
We'd rate the CyberRealm keycode as a tier 4 IOTM. In a shiny speedrun, it generates about 50-100 familiar XP per day, generates about 500-1000 substats (in synergy with the Censer), and provides something like half a sneak to Cincho owners. It's also just... ten free fights! EVERYONE loves free fights! Wheeeeee! Overall, it adds up to something like 1-2 turns saved a day, most likely, with a lot of flex around that and a lot of
Don't netwalk, netRUN now to Mr. Store!