⚠️ Everything on this site is a potential KOL spoiler. Proceed at your own risk! ⚠️
Welcome to Loathers.net, a new site managed by the Loathers Scripting Collective! We are a group of coders who play and contribute to a long-running browser game, the Kingdom of Loathing. We're going to be using this site over the coming years to store analysis of the modern speed game, how our collective scripts tools for the game, and host semi-annual contests. We hope you enjoy our dulcet tones and sick beats.
Newest Analysis
CyberRealm: Overview
January 30, 2025We've finally got a new realm! At the Ascension Speed Society discord, we often have light verbal jousts over what actually constitutes a…Most Recent Contest
January 20, 2025To pass the time between the new year and the Spring Challenge Path, we are hosting a speed ascension contest! Every entrant gets 3 million, and the top 12 runs get a piece of a roughly 3 billion meat prize pool. Check it out and enter now!Newest Tool
July 3, 2024Saṃsāra is a new ascension database, a spiritual successor to KOLDB. It includes pretty graphs and user charts. It is under active development; please let the team know if you have requests!